Specialty Health

Partners in Care

Resources to help Members with specialized needs.

We offer resources to assist Providers who are working with Members in need of specialized medical care with an emphasis on optimizing quality of life.


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IEHP Gender Health

Access additional information to help Members who identify as Transgender and Gender Non-Binary. 

Major Organ Transplant

Learn more about the Major Organ Transplant benefit for adult and pediatric transplant recipients.

My Path Palliative Care

Explore the My Path Palliative Care Program that provides a Member a family-centered approach to care helping to optimize quality of life. 

Total Fracture Care

Learn more about the Total Fracture Care Program that ensures Members in need of fracture care are seen by an Orthopedist and receive timely access to treatment.

Looking for more information?

Explore additional resources to help improve quality outcomes for Members.